North Korea's "Pukguksong-3A" two stage solid-fuel
SLBM (?)
Norbert Brügge, German
2019, October 03 -- North Korea has posted pictures of the successful
launch of a Pukguksong-3A SLBM on 2nd October 2019. It is a test version,
without reentry warhead, nor the skirt with grid-fins. The launch was made
from an underwater barge. For loading of this missile into a submarine is
a larger class required. Such is under construction, as recently published
pictures suggest.
Note: This missile is different from the older untested
PS-3 model. It is possible that composite-casing
motors with a diameter of 1.5 m are used here
for the first time.
2017, August 22:
KNCA spreads images of planned wound-filament casings of carbon-fiber
compound material in connection with an PS-3A SLBM




Diameter 1.5 m ?
First PS-3 SLBM
as model

Model of first version of PS-3 SLBM
2019, September 13 -- Due to the recently
unequivocally determined tires of the transporter with the missile on
the parade in April 2017 we have to report a diameter of 1.4 m for a SLBM.
Thanks to Markus Schiller, st-analytics, Munich, for the beneficial
discussion about the diameter of this presented missile. We can be pretty
sure that we see on the parade the already announced Pukguksong-3 SLBM.
This means that the PS-3 SLBM uses the same motors as the
But this PS-3 SLBM is not yet tested in flight. In addition, a larger
sized submarine is needed.
Thus, the variant known as
is a smaller SLBM version with a diameter of 1.1 m.
motor was shown in a test mode by North Korea.

2021, October -- The old
model of the PS-3 from the parade in 2017 at an exhibition.

The originally constant
black stripes are now broken with a thin white line to confuse us.
2017, April 15 -- Pictures
of Pukguksong-3 SLBM, seen on the parade.



A visual difference to
the PS-1 is the uninterrupted black stripes |



Nozzle bay + Skirt
with grid fins
Wall reinforcing
winding ?