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Zoljanah SLV (WRS. Z0001)



 "Zoljanah" is a Sejil-based SLV. However, the diameter of the solid-fuel motors was increased to 1.5m. This can be confirmed by measurements. The length of the second stage corresponds to the first stage, but with an extended nozzle. Both stages are controlled by jet vanes. To stabilize this long rocket, the fins (4) were moved to the second stage. The third stage and the fairing are originals from the Safir SLV.
The old launch site in Semnan is equipped with an extended tower and two additional platforms. The new launch pad is no longer connected to a transporter.
 Sources report that the Zoljanah can carry a payload of 220 kg into a 500 km orbit. The thrust of one of the solid motor with a diameter of 1.5 m is said to be 74 Mp (725 kN vac?). The launch mass of the 25.5 m long rocket is said to be 52 tons.
It was not known if a satellite was on board (Nahid-1 #2 ?). A launch without a payload would make no sense. In addition, the third stage was fueled. The video ended before the separation of the stages. A failure at the stage separation or after is very likely.
Note: This SLV is a big step forward. By replacing the Safir stage by a Salman-1 motor and a kick stage (like Quased), the same performance is possible. The first stage of Zoljanah is called "booster". Should there be three bundled of these in the future, there are undreamt possibilities (e.g.Zoljanah+).


On launch pad. Note: three sep-rockets


Transition 1./2. stage


Source: Tal Inbar

Extended tower equipped with two additional platforms

The third stage was refueled !


Note to the launch date