Vector NLV


Garvey Spacecraft Corporation  * Vector Space Systems -------> Vector Launch Inc.

 2023, March --Vector Launch has concluded an agreement with the company Ursa Major for the supply of "Hadley" engines !!

2019, Aug. 09 --
In response to a significant change in financing, Vector Launch Inc  announced that it is undertaking a pause of operations. A core team is evaluating options on completing the development of the company�s Vector-R small launch vehicle.


2017, August 03 -- Vector Space Systems has launched  a  further prototype of the company�s Vector-R block 0.0 But the engine worked only about 10 seconds.

2017, May 03 --  Vector Space Systems has its Vector-R block 0.0 vehicle after an abort in April now successfully launched. Because of the low fuel charge (mini-tanks), the engine worked only a few seconds and the rocket reached an altitude of 1370 m.

2017, April 06
-- Vector Space Systems has announced its first test flight of Vector-R block 0.0 (only one engine is used).

2016, July 30 -- First flight for testing the 2nd stage engine on small P-20 vehicle with Propylene/LOX propellant.

2016, May 19 -- Vector Space Systems announced the successful test of its second stage engine. The test, which took place in Mojave, California on May 14, featured the company's second stage high-performance engine for its launch vehicle. Employing 3D printed components, the engine produces 800 pounds of thrust with a high specific impulse for maximum fuel efficiency.

Vector Space Systems, a Micro Satellite space launch enterprise comprised of veterans from SpaceX, Virgin Galactic, McDonnell Douglas and Sea Launch. Vector Space Systems, was formed to fundamentally change the dynamics and economics of the space launch industry.
The Tucson, Arizona-based new company plans also to use the funding to continue development of its Vector small launch vehicle (
Vector Wolverine).
That vehicle is based on technology under development for several years by Garvey Spacecraft Corporation, a small Long Beach, California, company that has built suborbital prototypes of a small launch vehicle. John Garvey, the founder of Garvey Spacecraft Corporation and chief technology officer of Vector Space Systems, contributed intellectual property and assets from that work to accelerate development of this new vehicle.

Vector Space is fielding a family of small launch vehicles consisting of the Vector-R (Rapide) and the Vector-H (Heavy). The Vector-R is design for rapid and frequent launch of payloads weighing up to 50 kg and will be available for commercial flights in 2018 and is designed to have launch cadence up to 100 flights per year. The Vector-H is a larger vehicle based on the Vector-R design but capable of deploying 100kg class satellites into LEO and launching small deep space missions. The Vector-H will be available in mid 2019 for commercial flights at launch cadences up to 25 flights per year. Both launch vehicles will operate from either Kodiak Alaska (PSCA) or Cape Canaveral (CCAFS).

The Vector launch vehicle family derives historically from the Garvey Spacecraft NLV-20 launch vehicle that has been under development for a number of years. These vehicles use an all carbon fiber fuselage along with pressurized propulsion feed systems operated by patented pressurization systems using safe low pressure systems. The Vector-R is a larger version of the NLV-20 using three first stage engines and a larger second stage for more orbital insertion capability. The Vector-H is a stretched version of the Vector-R and uses a five engine first stage with longer tanks and a full diameter second stage. Both vehicles share common avionics and engines. Vector Space offer optional electric third stages and both standard and enlarged payload fairings for both vehicles.

The Vector-R launches 50 kg to Low Earth orbit with a small, simple two-stage rocket. Vector Space launch into polar and Sun Synchronous orbits from the Pacific Spaceport Complex in Alaska (PSCA) and low inclination orbits from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station (CCAFS) in Florida. An optional Electric Upper Stage (EUS) will place up to 45 kg into 800 km orbits.

Until now, Micro Satellites have relied on secondary launches aboard larger launch vehicles leaving the choice of destination and launch schedule to others. Vector is the world�s smallest launch vehicle on the market dedicated to servicing micro satellites and will provide frequent and reliable space access allowing you to go where you want when you want.
The Vector-H launches 110 kg to Low Earth orbit with a small, simple two-stage rocket. Vector Space launch into polar and Sun Synchronous orbits from the Pacific Spaceport Complex in Alaska (PSCA) and low inclination orbits from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station (CCAFS) in Florida. An optional Electric Upper Stage (EUS) will place up to 100 kg into 800 km orbits.  (Source: Vector Space).

Note: Vector-H is planed with 6 LP-1 engines for the first stage, and new second stage engine LP-3

(Garvey NLV-20)